Lying On The Floor  

Posted by Tami in , , , , , ,

[You Found Me, The Fray]

Hola.  I have many random thoughts today.  The first of which is that my quoted song is my new song obsession.  The Fray are definitely in my top 5 favorite bands, maybe even top 3 (I should figure that out.  I have homework.  A meme, perhaps?) and I've been waiting rather impatiently for any new material from them.  This song honestly blew me away with its wonderfulness.  Plus, I watched the LOST video set to this song on iTunes and it only made me love the song more and increase my yearning for January 21, 2009.  Shucks.

Moving on.

I find it incredibly... something... that Britney Spears is six weeks younger than I am, basically.  She was born on December 2, 1981, and two days later I turned six weeks old.  That's crazy to me... just how incredibly different our lives are despite being essentially the same age.

Also, sadly, I'm still dealing with... gastrointestinal issues... but I just need to say that Dulcolax is AMAZING.  No, really.  I'm very grateful.

The bummer is that I weighed myself this morning and I was 365.5 pounds.  I was SO upset for about 5 seconds.  But I just have to believe that it's random stuff- PMS [insert pet peeve- I HATE it when people say "PMS" to describe when they're on their actual period.  PMS means PRE-menstrual symptoms, as in the stuff that happens before you actually start bleeding.  Totally annoys me.] is hitting hard.  My breasts are swollen and tender, so that must mean there's some sort of fluid causing it.  I'm going to tell you something I really probably shouldn't- I say "breasts" on here, sounding all proper... but in real life I say boobies or boobs.  How embarrassing.

ANYway... so PMS is hitting, then there's the whole constipation issue (ack!  I actually said it!), plus the gallon (ok, mere exaggeration) of saltwater I rinse with every day to prevent infections in my mouth wounds, the probable reaction of my body to all of the various narcotics I've been pumping into my body.  And there's just no way I have eaten nearly 40,000 extra calories in the last two weeks since my last weigh in (I was 354 a couple of weeks ago).  It's just not possible.  So yeah, I'm disappointed, but I can't freak out about it.  If I do I'll set myself up for a possible binge and then I will eat extra calories.

The good news is that I went for a 25+ minute walk yesterday and today, and I plan to tomorrow as well.  I sweat so much both times that my (very short) hair at the nape of my neck became so wet that I was uber cold for the next hour and a half after I cooled down.  I am not even exaggerating.  It's pretty sad.  It was like forty-some degrees out and yet I sweat as if I were in my last chance workout with Jillian AND Bob from The Biggest Loser each time.  Gross.  Anyway, I also ate really well both days.  Honestly, I've been eating really well in general.  I made a poor choice on Monday out of extreme hunger (I didn't have time to eat before J's appointment and was so hungry afterward that I was ready to pass out, almost literally) to eat Arby's, plus some dumb choices on Thanksgiving day,  but other than that I've been really on point.  I feel good about that.

So the deal is, I just weighed myself, in clothes and only a few hours past dinner, and it was 366.7.  I have to believe that this morning was a fluke.  Plus, the laxative has worked kind of overly well (I know you get that!) and I've had multiple opportunities to... drop some pounds today, all post weigh in.  So I'll redo it tomorrow morning, hopefully with much better results.

A trick I have found, for myself, is to eat ice cream bars at night instead of any other dessert. Jason and I just really love ice cream for dessert, but I so tend to overeat when it's from a 1/2 gallon container.  Since I can't really handle the crunchiness of my beloved Skinny Cow cones, I have some Dove bars.  Triple chocolate, baby!  It might sound like, "Ack!  Girl, you eat a 280 cal bar for dessert?" but if I were eating regular ice cream it would likely be closer to a 400-500 calorie bowl.  So i'sallgood.

Lastly, dinner tonight was AMAZING!  See, this one loves herself some twins.  I want twins.  I've ALWAYS wanted twins.  They don't run in my family, nor Jason's, but I am just believing God that I'll have twins!  Adopt, maybe, if need be.  But, so you can understand my neuroses, I heard once that in cultures with a high consumption of yams there is a greater preponderance of twins compared to non-yam peoples.  I, of course, have since desired to consume many a yam.  However, sweet potatoes are easy to find... yams not so much.  Since yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing, not even remotely (true story !), I've felt robbed of my ability to convince my body twins are for me.

All of that said, my favorite local hippie store had organic yams and so tonight's dinner was a chicken breast (seasoned and grilled, no oil) and "yam fries".  Basically, I handcut two yams into fry shapes, put them in a big ziploc bag with 1 TB of canola oil, salt, pepper, a touch of curry and seasoning salts, and paprika.  I then baked them (thus removing the actual "fry"-ness) 10 minutes on each side, and they were AMAZING.  Jas did the chicken PERFECTLY (love my all caps when I'm excited about food?) and it was so tasty, and it was under 500 calories.  Ooooh, and totally gluten free!

And... because my INCREDIBLE new camera (ours is black... my lovers' fave color and I aim to please) came today y'all get a pic!  Too bad I discovered that it has a cuisine setting (a cuisine setting!!) post-dinner consumption.  Wah-oops.  This in no way displays the superiority of my new camera!  I also discovered the super macro (as in super up-close) mode after the fact, as well.

This pic, however, does display the awesomeosity that is our new camera:

(click on this one to see it large and in charge!)

Yup.  That's my eye, all sorts of up close and personal.

Here's my man, looking mad fine:

Aight, I should wrap up.  I have a very deep post en route, but it will be long and detailed, unlike this one ;), and I want to really let the processing happen before I dive in... I never used to do that, but I guess that's how I know I'm growing up.  Twenty-seven should mean something, methinks.  That said, something wonderful happened today- a reader nominated me for a blog award .  If you don't keep up with the times, I am aka Tami (Tam, Timtam, Tamalam, Tizzam, Tam* [pronounced Tamstar, as in Tamstar, as in Tamstar Runner.  If you get that, you are very, very cool.  Or you went to college.], Tamitha, Tamela [like Pamela], et cetera.) to most people.  As a result, I am the "Tami" in her nominations.  Her words re: me are very kind, incredibly generous, and I am truly humbled.  I'm not quite cool enough to nominate anyone, at least not tonight.  Sleepy, I am.

[Yoda is my step-dad's cousin, twice removed.]

On that note, I'm out.

Hasta, kids.

This entry was posted on Wednesday at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 and is filed under , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

6 battle cries

good post, even if not "deep." day-to-day life is what it's about when you are changing a lifestyle

December 3, 2008 at 11:27 PM

I know you've heard it before, but I've found that the only way to really know that you haven't taken in extra calories is to track them. I know it's hard, but I think using is almost the most helpful thing i've been doing as I try to lose weight. I always come up with "I'm too busy" excuses, which are pretty plentiful in law school, but the truth is that it's just me being lazy if I don't spend 15 minutes entering my calories. I spend at least that much time everyday watching television.

How's the Jason job search coming?

December 4, 2008 at 6:45 AM

BTW ... The Yams look great. I make Sweet Potatoes that way all the time, but I haven't tried any other vegetables.

These are my favorite ice cream treats:

I actually went to the grocery store to look for the skinny cow cones that you and Colleen talk about. These were cheaper and fewer calories. I think they're great. I'm not a huge ice cream or milk person so they might not be as satisfying to someone who really want's the full-on ice cream/milk taste.

December 4, 2008 at 7:30 AM

Yum, please cook that for me every day. And good job on the walking...whoo!

December 4, 2008 at 8:29 AM

i loves me some yams! And I'm so glad you aren't getting too discouraged by the weight on the scale-- you're right, your body is going through some tough times and so it's probably a lot of fluid. In a couple of weeks the scale will have a nice drop! wahoo! Also. I really want to see you while I'm home. Maybe I will come over for awhile after the holidays.
We can have a nice cook-a-thon and chit chat about life!!

Congrats on the blog nom!

December 4, 2008 at 12:19 PM

im so jealous you found yams! I tried to eat them before we got pregnant so I could have a better chance at twins, but I could only find sweet potatos. Also, non-organic beef is supposed to help too, it's the growth hormones they give the cows, tends to make your body ovulate more than one egg, upping your chance of fraternal twins b/c ther's two eggs to get fertilized.

December 14, 2008 at 11:11 AM

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