If I Have To Manufacture A Song Then I Won't Use One  

Posted by Tami in , ,

I have nothing in my head re: song lyrics to title this post, thus we're going generic.

Thoughts: my teeth still hurt like crazy.  Well, the bottom ones.  Seriously, if my whole mouth was like the top teeth (well, the top holes) I'd be pretty much back to normal living.  The left side is pretty swollen around the stitches and sore.  It's the good side, sadly.  The right side is MESSED up.  The tooth was actually kind of out to the side, toward my cheek, from the rest of my teeth, so the hole kind of goes into the side of my cheek.  The stitch came out and so there's this huge- HUGE- hole on the inside of my cheek and, honestly, it hurts like mad.  The percocet helps, but I will be real with you all- it's going to be a rough week, chasing after a running around Brodster and dealing with massive pain.  Ugh.

I'll be ok.  I don't need to whine.

In other news, my man had to get an endoscopy today.  Basically, he had to go under with anesthesia, and then a tube was inserted through his mouth down through his esophagus and stomach, into his small intestine.  The doc then removed a few pieces of his intestinal lining to do a biopsy and see if he has Celiac's disease.  That's a gluten allergy that basically causes lesions similar to what he gets on his epidermis (skin) to form on the lining of his small intestines.  So, now he's basically passed out on the couch trying to sleep off the anesthesia.  He was so, so cute when he came out from the procedure, though.  I just felt so tender toward him.  I want to kiss his sweet forehead right now, but he needs his sleep.

He's SO funny- he keeps saying random and funny things.  Like, he's VERY modest (sometimes I call him a prude, usually in love!) but I was watching last night's DVR'd episode of Iron Chef America and Iron Chef Symon used something called geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck).  It's actually a clam, and it's... interesting.  So, my very reserved husband pops off, very matter of factly, "That looks like a penis."  I about choked on my own tongue!  It was too hilarious.  And, if I haven't already lost about half of my reader base (my lovely conservative Christian type friends!  I'm one too, just less... traditional!), I would be remiss not to share with you this picture that I found when I Google-imaged "geoduck".  I laughed so hard that I woke up poor sleepy Jason :)

May please note here how much it sucks to not be able to yawn properly?  I can half yawn by trying to stretch the back of my mouth / throat and breathing deeply, but my ears are desperate for a huge yawn. The problem is that my jaw is so tight right now that I can't really open it all the way, and it would (painfully) stretch my wounds so... meh.

So, an observation I had at J's clinic, while I was waiting, was that if I want a long life I need to lose this weight.  I mean, duh, but there were a lot of very elderly people there, generally ranging from their late 60's to late 70's, and none of them were overweight.  One lady, probably in her 80's, was brought in by an obese companion (daughter?  Not sure) in her 50's and the thin older lady seemed to be doing better with walking and getting around than did the heavier younger one.

Also, I saw a woman whom I am not sure I would ever be like, but I was fascinated by her.  She looked to be in her later 60's, and she was seriously simply a much older version of that super cute fit girl you see at the supermarket and want to be like.  She was wearing cropped, cotton workout pants, a fitted jacket, and tennis shoes with hidden short socks.  Her legs were thin, with surprisingly youthful calves exposed.  Plus, her butt was way cuter at her age than your average (read: overweight) American girl in her 20's!  I'm not sure that I'll ever be that itty-bitty and fit, but she was very much an inspiration.

Length of life is definitely a concern for me at this very large size.

Two quick things:  my initial appt with Dr. Chebli re: WLS, likely gastric bypass, is Friday at 11.  I'll be sure to fill you all in after the fact (though my wisdom teeth follow up is at 2:45 so I'm not sure when I'll have time to update Friday).  Also, the first of the month snuck up on me (whoops) so I'll have to weigh in tomorrow morning.  Hopefully I won't forget.  I'm a little nervous about the number because a) I'm getting PMS- the first symptoms came today and b) not to gross anyone out, but the narcotics seem to... ahem... back up my system.  I'm normally a very regular chica, as in every day if not 2-3 times a day, but on these drugs I have only unloaded 2 times in 8 days and neither of them were full-on jobs.

So... now you know.  Penises and poop, all in one post.  Lucky you!  On that note, I'm done now.

Hasta, kids!

This entry was posted on Monday at Monday, December 01, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

3 battle cries

i love your "salt of the earth" posts - don't be ashamed of them! wish everyone was so open . . .

December 1, 2008 at 11:22 PM

I love how open and honest you are...I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy all in one setting..of course I don't remember any of it (thank God) except coughing (probably because my throat felt gagged because of a tube going down my throat)...I had to get it because it all started cause my parents thought i was becoming anorexic...then talking to the doctor, everybody rest in peace..I am not..taking blood tests, they found my blood cells to be really small and thought I might be losing blood through my intestines..the reason for the endoscopy/colonoscopy...i'm glad i was well drugged...

December 2, 2008 at 11:35 AM

I had to laugh at that picture. You need a sense of humor now a days. Praying for a fast healing and good luck on Friday.

I wanted you to know that I have nominated you for the Marie Antoinette ‘Real Blogs; Real People’ Award. Check out my blog for details.

Take care, sandy

December 3, 2008 at 1:32 PM

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