[A New Day Has Come, Celine Dion]
At the behest of a friend, I am finally updating.
I know it's been awhile, but there just hasn't been much to say. Still in pain, still spend most of my time on the couch (though I am trying to sit up more now... a comfy chair is ok for about an hour, but desk chairs KILL me after about 3 minutes. Ick.
I halfheartedly weighed in today and it said 346. It was up a pound and a half from last week. I've eaten a little more than I should... no, actually scratch that. I haven't been eating more than I should, but I'm not eating as healthily as I should. So a pound and a half is totally understandable and I am not too bummed. I just get kind of tired of the routine... too much pain to sleep, so I can't fall asleep until around 3 am. Then I wake up, tired, between 10-12, depending on the day. Then I try not to cry from pain crawling (literally) out of bed. I use the bathroom, and set up residence on the couch for about an hour. My muscles relax a little, so then I shower and eat something (a tuna sandwich 90% of the time). Then I try to sit up for awhile, and watch TV until Jason gets home (between 3-6, depending on the day). We chat, he makes dinner, we eat while watching Law & Order: SVU, then he tries to take care of life stuffs (from unpacking to cleaning to paying bills to church stuff to whatever needs to be done) while I watch TV, then we go to bed between 11pm-12am. He zonks out, I read for an hour or so, then toss and turn for a few hours, in pain, until I fall asleep. Throw in taking meds at every meal, and consistently upset stomach, and that's our life.
Not super awesome. It stinks to finally live in such an awesome city with so much to do right at our fingertips but pain limits me, time limits him, and finances from suddenly relying on only one income really limits us both. I don't know how we'll pay the bills, I just trust Jesus first and then Jason to provide.
I'm not whining, I just don't have a lot to say on here. I'm totally uninspired. But I'm still kickin', and I'm getting a haircut tomorrow so I promise to post before and after pics by Saturday :)
This entry was posted
on Thursday
at Thursday, June 26, 2008
and is filed under
physical ailments,
seattle living
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