For any who think Jesus has no sense of humor- you're wrong.
After frying for the last few work days, and whining about it yesterday, they fixed the AC around 3 or so (it never stays fixed for much longer than a week... it's a 1966 unit. Oy vey, right?) and I froze for the last two hours of my work day :) And, true to Seattle form, after chasing 90 this weekend it's back to a high of 59 and drizzle today. Of course, the AC is still mildly working and I'm very, very cold. I have a space heater though, so it's all good. I have to say I actually prefer it this way... crazy, right? But I would rather be cold and try to heat up because it's 50 googillian (yep. True that.) times easier to heat up than to cool down, especially if you have a space heater. Plus, I like the rain, and the sun is a nice break now and then but I prefer gray skies and precipitation. I'm not even kidding.
I don't really like the sun. In fact, I a little bit hate it. I burn just thinking about the sun, and I have a mild allergy to it to boot, so that when I burn it zaps my immune system and I get really physically ill. I can follow the sunblock rules- apply 30 minutes before going outside, minimum of SPF 30- sweatproof, waterproof- and reapply every 45 minutes or so and I STILL BURN. I began to get red and splotchy just in my 20-minute drive home last Thursday and Friday from work. The crazy thing is that as a child I looked hispanic in the summers, what with my dark eyes, darkish hair, and brown skin. Now I'm so perpetually pale that you can't even call me white- translucent is more like it. Nuts. I could start tanning and building up some brownness of the skin, but then there's that whole cancer thing and I don't really like being outside in the sun anyway, regardless of burning (that whole hating to be hot deal) and plus a solitary beesting could kill me and bugs really irk me so... meh.
As for le foode and such (this is a weight loss / health blog, right? For a second I thought it was a lame blog about nothing where it's just filler on the weather and how I feel about things no one else cares a rip about.) yesterday was fairly sweet on two levels. First, I walked almost 7,000 steps, including 30 minutes of DDR. I also only ate 2,200 calories and that was WITH eating a little more cake than I really should have. Plus, regarding issues of escape (which I really need to write more about but just am not ready to yet) I worked really hard with no breaks, came home and worked out, made dinner and J's lunches for the rest of the week, did J's laundry, and then spent an hour on tonight's Bible study for Community Group.
All told, I basically went for 14 hours without stopping yesterday. For me, that's a huge deal. I live for escape, my next chance to do something mindless like eat, watch TV, play a video game, even writing on this blog, get lost in a book or a conversation, etc. To have to be busy and not be able to escape into something comfortable wreaks havoc on me because it threatens the idol in my life that I allow to have more power over me than Jesus... and my attitude and demeanor alter drastically, which is really unfair to my poor husband. But... that's just too much to get into for this post so I'll cut 'er off there.
In other news, I am not pregnant. Things got scary for a few days there. As if any of you had any idea, but now you know I am not ;)
This entry was posted
on Tuesday
at Tuesday, May 20, 2008
and is filed under
good foode habits,
surrender to Jesus
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Progress Tracker
Start Weight (lbs):
Jan. 2008-- 367
Current Weight:
Feb. 2009-- 360.2
Total Lost: -6.8
** See label "it's the first of the month" for more details, such as monthly weigh-ins and measurements; also see "Weigh-In Wednesay" label for archived data.
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