[Read My Mind, The Killers]
I'm on a big The Killers kick lately. Well, for like the last 45 minutes. Dunno why. Just am.
I'm doing well- I'm just processing a lot, and I know the silence sucks for you faithful readers, but when I am going through this intensely personal experience with God and then find myself working out in my mind how I might word it on my blog I realize that there is definite danger of my blog becoming a reason, a motivating factor, if you will, in convincing myself that I am pursuing Christ when, in actuality, I am entirely self-consumed and deceived. Not good.
Ergo, silence. But I promise that as soon as I feel it's right to write (tsk, tsk) I will. And I'll try to keep updating my Foode Log, though it's gone to pot this weekend. Why do I have such a hard time staying on top of things like that the second my routine changes? Meh.
Anyway, I know silence tends to precede bad news on my blog, and as I process it's not pretty, but I've literally only had one instance where I knew I was being downright sinful and eating something I knew I shouldn't, but considering where my heart was it is no surprise. It will all make sense when I break the silence, but, again, it has to be with a heart ready to share for God's glory and not my own narcissistic need to be understood.
The crypticism is, I would guess, more annoying than the silence, but that's the way of these things! Torn between the ominous silence and the unwise revealing of more than is healthy, I find myself trying to be cautious without being all-out obnoxious, and it's a tough line to toe!
Anyway, I'm sleepy and my sexy man is beckoning me to bed. So I'm going!
Hasta, kids.
This entry was posted
on Saturday
at Saturday, January 24, 2009
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Progress Tracker
Start Weight (lbs):
Jan. 2008-- 367
Current Weight:
Feb. 2009-- 360.2
Total Lost: -6.8
** See label "it's the first of the month" for more details, such as monthly weigh-ins and measurements; also see "Weigh-In Wednesay" label for archived data.
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