We'll see. For now, I'm off. Hasta!
We'll see. For now, I'm off. Hasta!
7 battle cries
hot air poppers are awesome, it makes popcorn taste amazing even without butter. i just like a small amount of salt on mine.
way to go with persevering in your "fresh start", i am really impressed with the changes you've made and your determination to stick with them.
i'm teaching sunday school this week on Heb 11:4-6, Abel and Enoch. and the two things that seem to characterize their example of faith is giving an "acceptable sacrifice" and to "diligently seek" God. i want to encourage you to think of your journey right now through those two lenses - you are having to make a lot of sacrifices right now, but when you do them out of a desire to please God and give him the worship He deserves (rather than worship to yourself or to food), then you will have the kind of faith that pleases Him!! but it is the kind of faith that requires diligently, earnestly seeking Him, the daily walking with God even through times when you are tired or grumpy, or feeling ashamed of your stumbles or distractions. you go, girl!
On the body fat analyzer - yes, it's a fun toy, but those are grossly inaccurate. It may not even be reliable from one day to the next due to water retention. When I worked at 24 Hr Fitness somebody had one so we tested it. I had my BF% measured using calipers and then used the hand-held electro-thingy. It was 5-6% off. And when I used it 2 days later, it was 3% different from my BF as measured by calipers (it would be impossible to change that much in only 2 days).
If you are thinking of tracking BF%, I'd suggest getting calipers (I saw some cheap ones on Amazon) and having Jason use those. I'm sure you can google how to use them. The trick with calipers is to measure the same each time. Even two people who are experienced with them could have readings 1-2% different... but it would be closer than the electro-thingy!
If in the title of your post you use the term "awesome" shouldn't that post therefore have the label "awesomeosity?"
Katy- I can't wait to get the popper so we can be popcorn maniacs! And isn't the Costco tub nuts? But we'll eat it, I'm sure :)
Brittney- Thank you for being so sweet and supportive. I'm blessed by what you shared and I hope that I, too, will be found faithful as Able and Enoch were.
Molly- For one, thanks for the FYI on the analyzer. Secondly, you are totally right. Awesomeosity is completely a label on here now, as well it should have always been.
It sounds a little odd, but I LOVE soy sauce on popcorn. It is salty and wonderful! I use light soy sauce-- I think it might be a little too saly otherwise. I also sometimes put parmesan cheese on it, sometimes hot sauce, hmm. . . . my sister puts brewer's yeast on hers, she likes it.
Oh! Sometimes I put liquid aminos (I think that is what it is called-- we are out so I can't look at a bottle) on it too.
Randy- My husband loves to grate parmesan and romano cheese onto his... I liked it but don't LOVE it the way I love butter :) But maybe I'll give soy sauce a shot! Do you just sprinkle some on and stir it to mix it around? I'm just wondering how you get it to spread out and not just soak into a few kernels, being as it's not an oil. Thanks for the suggestions!
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