[Free Fallin', John Mayer (Tom Petty cover)]
I am so tired! So let me be quick, because I don't want to be chained to the blog for an hour.
First day of nannying went really well. He missed his mom (he's used to having her around 24/7) and he's teething so there were fussy periods, but overall he's just a really fun, cute, and happy baby-- and so active! I will burn many calories chasing him around :)
Totally cool thing... she has the BEST stroller ever, and I am convinced that I will have to have this stroller when I have a baby someday. It's by a company called B.O.B and her model is the Revolution-- it's a combo jogging / mall stroller so it's super light yet sturdy (jogging) and easy to navigate (mall). Seriously- best. Stroller. Ever. I went for a 20 minute walk with him, and I was sweating and my back was screaming by the end, but it felt really good and I think that I'll try to do that at least once a week, hopefully once a day if it's not raining-- though she has a weather shield so it'd just matter on me being able to handle it! I can build up my walking endurance that way, because he LOVES to be outside.
I had this vision of me being able, eventually, to not just walk but jog with that stroller. And then I realized that one reason I really want to wait to have a baby is that, for one, I want to be able to afford something like that (with the various accessories it inches toward $500) and, secondly, I want to be fit enough to go jogging with my baby and set a standard of doing physical activities together as a family. And, like last night, I actually had a vision of me jogging and pushing a stroller. For the mommas, since you'll get this and I have a bunch of you who read my blog- this stroller is particularly awesome because you can lock the front wheel for jogging or, when it's unlocked, it turns 360 degrees so navigation is a cinch. Seriously- this is the kind of reward I want to give myself for being a fit momma. I can get hand me downs and used stuff for some things (furniture, certain clothes and toys, etc) but that would be such an awesome thing to have but it will only make sense if I'm actually able to use it.
Anyway. I'm so hungry and need to go eat but I decided that I wouldn't until I updated the blog because I don't want to come back to the computer. I want to watch The Hills (yep... think they're all pretty shallow and the show is mostly a product of producing, not "reality", yet I like it) and read my book.
I won't give commentary on the pics. Mere "before" and "after". I'm going to share super exciting news tomorrow, so be excited :)
Oh, and I'll post it on the log at the end of the day but my eating has been totally surrendered and on track today. That's two days in a row, though today's not over so I must stay strong. And I had a solid time with Jesus again, though it will get better when I get used to getting up to early (yes, 7:30 feels like death. I have been getting up at 10 every day, so... 7:30 IS death. But that will change.)
Here, finally, are the pics; we rearranged before I cleaned, thus the various angles.
I love you all!
So you can't really tell unless you click to see the larger picture, but this was totally crumby, dusty badness.
(This one is to get a feel for the rearranging... the chair used to be where the table now is)
(Clean table! That NEVER happens for more than an hour, but the apartment is still as clean right now as it was last night!)
(SO gorgeous! Why would I NOT keep this clean? Oy vey!)
(Crumbs + Dust = ANNIHILATED)
(a. I need coasters! b. I don't know why I never used these magazine organizers on the coffee table before... duh!)
(So I plan to eventually modge podge onto the underside of the glass and apply outdoor furniture paint to the brass because the table is ugly, but I LOVE this little set up here!)
(I even made the bed, which I never do!)
Yeah, you got bonus comments. I can't help myself. But I'm done now.
* Blogger is being stupid and though I went through three times and entered a space between each picture it deletes them when I publish the post. Grrr. But if you didn't figure it out, the comments refer to the picture above.
Today is the second good day in a row. Here's to day 3, no?
This entry was posted
on Tuesday
at Tuesday, August 19, 2008
and is filed under
good foode habits,
nanny tami,
new tami,
surrender to Jesus
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