Just so you know, the latest long silence isn't related to eating, so don't worry! I'm doing pretty well with eating, I just haven't had the inspiration to write. But, I finally had enough e-mails that I figured I should let you all know that I am well. I'm too tired to write much (sleep schedule's all off... long story) but know that I'm doing ok, and there is a lot to update about (life stuff, not necessarily related to le Foode Fight) and I was waiting to write until it was worked out, and now that it mostly is the task is too daunting to tackle.
Nonetheless, I promise (scary word, promise) to have an update to you by Monday, maybe even by later today if I can make myself just sit down and do it. And it's not bad news, just stuff is kind of getting all sorts of changed in my life regarding schedules and such and so I just have to process how I actually feel about it before I get into it on here... and you thought I had no discretion! Pshaw!
With that, I'm off to bed.
Hasta :)
This entry was posted
on Friday
at Friday, July 18, 2008
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