
Posted by Tami in

Another mini-update:

Still in pain.  Still on drugs.  

The physical therapist (I had an acute treatment today; the full work-up is scheduled for the 23rd) told me that this is likely a life-altering injury.


I'm not sure what that means.  My dear husband is so supportive, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep us afloat, which is lovely.  But this will likely cost me my job because I just doubt that they're going to have the patience for me to be out for weeks on end and then return slowly slowly slowly.  We'll see.  But we have to start considering other options, and the truth is I am only truly- TRULY- passionate about two things in terms of work:

1) Eventually being a stay at home mama
2) Writing

It's scary to consider at this point in my life, when there are so many bills to pay, but perhaps it's time Jas and I pursue writing.  We both love it and we both have various levels of skill.  He's so eloquent, while I'm more raw.  I like to write the same way I'd talk to a friend, and I hope that makes each person feel like they're sitting down with me in my living room folding laundry and sipping some delicious beverage (aka not TEA.  Sick.) and just chatting about life and love and why.

Anyway, that's today.  This could change tomorrow... but it's what's on my mind so I am sharing it with you all.

Also, being le Foode Fight blog, I don't know how much I weigh.  I'm still too scared to find out.  I was 345 last Thursday with clothes on when I got my MRI, but I just feel so puffy and I am on so many different drugs right now, and honestly, I can't stress about weight.  I'm doing my best to not overeat, and I can't exercise at ALL, so I just have to eat well and trust that I'll be ok.  

Lastly, I miss Darla.  I hope you're well, wherever you are now, Darlin'.

PS I am not going to number my entries until I feel like they are "normal" entries again.  I can't really explain what I mean, but I hope you understand.  This time of my life is not normal... so my entries will just be titled with whatever comes to my head first.

This entry was posted on Wednesday at Wednesday, June 11, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 battle cries

if i ever meet you in person, i will bring tea and YOU WILL LIKE IT. there are so many types, I think you just haven't had GOOD tea.

June 13, 2008 at 8:10 PM

I'm sorry about all this, Tami! I hope the move goes easily for you guys. I'm thinking of you often and I hope that the pain eases up for you soon!

June 14, 2008 at 10:01 AM

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