#62 - It's Impossible to Ignore You  

Posted by Tami in

[Update: The embedded calendar keeps eating the paragraph above it with Darla's e-mail addy so I'm adding it in... comment and tell me if it gets eaten again. It's eaten the preceding paragraph twice now (and I know I didn't delete anything!) Google Calendar must be hungry.]

So yesterday I set some goals. I am proud to say that I did do a 20-min strength training session and got a big, fat green S on my calendar. Additionally, I walked 3,600 steps. Considering I was sitting at my desk ALL DAY (normally I have a little running around to do at work, but this week I've been embroiled in a project that requires sitting and digging through paperwork and the computer) and only had like 1500 steps when I got home from work getting all those other steps in was pretty sweet, and especially because yesterday was strength training. I'm hoping that doing cardio tonight will boost my steps up enough to average out the two days to 4,000. Also, I went a little over on calories (I just rounded up to 2,800) so I need to get around 2,200-2,400 today to even out some.

I keep reading about people who love oatmeal and make delicious meals from it, so I'm going to buy some trail mix at TJ's this weekend to try and incorporate yumminess into it. I also read once that someone put a little vanilla, brown sugar, and butter into their oatmeal and it kind of tasted like cookie dough, to which I say, "Yes, please." I can't make cookies because I will eat half the dough and then all of the cookies. The worst part is I usually make a double batch and the husband and I just stuff our faces with them. Cookies are not found anywhere in our home, nor will any be coming in for a long time.

The bad news is that I woke up with a death cold this morning, and usually DayQuil makes like bearable but today the cold is just getting worse as the day goes on. My left ear is aching, my throat is raw, my head is pounding, and I feel cruddy all over. I hope this is why I was battling headaches all week. I know my poor immune system is so overwrought- the body treats mega-obesity as an infection so the immune system is so focused on the fat that it isn't able to attack actual sickness with the same oomph as in a thinner person. Chalk that up to reason #763 why I need to lose weight. The thing is, I feel really horrible, and I am not sure if I'll be able to do cardio, and I am scheduled to do a service project with people from church for a women's shelter and... frick. We'll see.

So, that brings me to the fun part of today's post; yesterday I posted goals and lovely Darla, a friend since early high school and a co-matron of honor in my wedding, posted this reply:

LOVE your goals. How can we, your weight loss community, keep you accountable? Maybe every Friday you can up date us on the number of stars, S's and C's for the week?

And as for rewards. Is there something we can do? I will quickly volunteer to send you a surprise in the mail for every week you meet your goals. I'm sure other women (any men here?) would also volunteer so that we can alternate weeks. Then, you have a surprise to look forward to. It might be a book, a card, a healthy treat, a gift certificate to the movies-- whatever each person can afford.

what do you think?
I love it. Normally I'd never ask people for that. But it's a pretty sweet idea- I'd be happy with just a postcard, or a recipe for someone's favorite healthy chocolatey dessert, whatever.

If you're interested in doing this you can e-mail Darla (aka the rock star whooping y'all UP in the top Battle Cries contest) at:

She's a great friend :) She'll keep everything organized as far as who has what week. She even created a calendar for it- eventually I'll put something in my sidebar for you to have a quick link to the calendar (it's public), plus I'll put up a way for you to just be able to access the xml/rss feeds.

It's pretty sweet. I also heartily recommend using Google Calendar yourself, and then you add the events to your own since it's a public calendar. Just to be fair, she'll check with me to verify if you can have my address... suffice it to say, if you read my blog regularly and are interested in being a part my Foode Fight Rewards (as in sending me stuff... again AWESOME idea, Darla ;) ... though, sincerely, it actually is a great incentive for me- I love getting mail), you might want to shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment on here just so I am not totally skeeved out.

It's on the sidebar, but here's my e-mail addy:

I'm pretty pumped.

This entry was posted on Friday at Friday, May 02, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

3 battle cries

Wahoo! I didn't see the email address in the post so I'll post it here: foodefight+rewards@gmail.com

ANNNDD I can't believe I'm top commenter! Who knew I'd made 42 (43) comments already.

Great job meeting your goals yesterday-- 3,600 steps is impressive, especially since you did over half of them last night!


May 2, 2008 at 11:55 AM

I'm in! that is such a great idea! Now if only I would actually blog, I could get people to send me stuff!

Honestly, this is a great idea. Not only will we exist in cyperspace, but you'll have our notes on your fridge or taped to the computer at work so you see it 8 zillion times a day.

oh - and the email address is showing. at the moment, anyway.

May 2, 2008 at 10:11 PM

I just thought of something as I'm enjoying my yummy cup of super awesome tea that I got today - do you like tea? it's good for you, it comes a zillion flavors and has NO calories. I'm actually drinking one that tastes like a lemon cookie right now.

If you do like tea, I have a special reward in store for you. It's a few bucks, though, so it will have to be for a special accomplishment... after a month of calories at the right average or something. How does that sound?

May 2, 2008 at 10:27 PM

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