#44 - And the Boys Dream  

Posted by Tami in ,

Saturday night my sexy husband and I went on my favorite date- to a Seattle Mariners game! I loves me some M's action!

We intentionally got seats in the left field bleachers, to give that section a shot. We went to three games last season, all when I was weighing in around 320, and sitting in the normal seats was a rough go. I fit, but it was not comfortable AT ALL. My hips were sore for days, because squeezing into those seats for 3+ hours was the equivalent of being punched in that widest part of my girth by a very angry pre-pubescent teen wearing brass knuckles. Not enough pain to make one immediately get out of the situation, but painful enough that doing it for 1/8th of a day remains with you for the next week.

But... the bleachers were great! We were at the very top, so the only downside was that we couldn't see the giant color screen very well. But the non-color one that shows all of the stats worked just fine. And the fans were really rowdy- you can always count on one of the two bleacher sections to start "the wave", and our section was it this time. Might I note here that Seattle is credited with starting the wave? Some say it was at a hockey game in Edmonton, but I reject that. Because Seattle is way, WAY cooler than Canada. As usual, I digress. Suffice it to say that I realized that not only do I actually fit comfortably in the bleacher section, but also it's just a way more fun place to sit. Usually we sit somewhere on the right field side, which is Jas' favorite, so now I have to convert the man to left. Left field gets so much more action!

Which brings me to an awkward point- early in the game there was a heck-ton of excitement... sweet hits, home runs, double plays, amazing catches, and once Ichiro threw a missile to home plate and got a guy out! It was amazing... Ichiro is the center fielder, and the guy was really fast, and he should have been safe but Ichiro has an incredible arm. But late in the game we were up by like 5-6 runs and it was getting a little less than thrilling. I shouted out, "Come on, boys! We need some excitement!" and this guy sitting in front of me turned around and was like, "I can provide that." It was so weird. I mean, for one, my husband was sitting right next to me. Secondly... I'm really fat! And the guy knew that because he'd gone to get refreshments (read: beer) a few times and saw who was sitting behind him when he came back. It was just the weirdest thing. I couldn't help but wonder, once again, about my issue of what I'll do when I lose more weight and am more physically attractive. I didn't freak out inside or anything, but I have to be honest that it was disconcerting at best.

It's amazing how much my size affects every part of my life, from having to park in one of the closer parking lots (my lower back spasms like crazy if I walk for more than about 5-7 minutes, which really sucks. I can do 40 minutes on the elliptical, no prob, but walking- be it outside or on the treadmill- shoots pain all over my body. This happened when I was bigger 2 years ago, and went away as I lost weight (I was down to 305 in January of last year), so hopefully that's going to happen again, because it really hinders my ability to do cardio), obviously we had to get special seats so I could fit, my lovely husband had our tickets and thus he found our seats, during which he chose to climb over like 3 rows of bleachers and weave through people- it was kind of humiliating because he just took off, doing the guy thing of "I'm focused and all that matters is that I get to my goal" while I'm turning as red as the Canadian flag (what IS it with me and Canada today? Snap.) while some fan is like, "Better hike it up, girl".

I mean, hello, I weigh 350 pounds! Ok, 346.3, but still. Most people point and laugh at the fat lady crawling over bleachers. And fellow fatties, you know this feeling- so aware of if the seats shift at all when you step on them, because then everyone will feel just how much you weigh as their seat moves when you get on and off... ugh. It's not Jas' fault, btw- he wasn't intentionally leaving me to fend for myself. He's not a huge fan of crowds (ironic that he loves going to baseball games with 30-40 thousand people) so he just got in his mode of needing to not be in a situation where people were staring at him.

Anyway, we got to our seats fine. And it was fun, because there were reallygreat people all around us. One interesting thing was that I saw these three ladies getting a picture taken, and one (who was literally a size 2) was like, "Did you make sure we didn't have double-chins? No double chins!" I wanted to laugh at her... I have like 17 chins all the time! I look forward to having just one, but it was just too ironic to see a skinny girl worrying about a double chin- there was no loose skin on her chin, or jaw, at all!

This got me thinking about an interesting phenomenon, "hot girls" and the guys who date them. "Hot girls" are the fashionable, made-up, thin, gorgeous girls who were clearly popular in high school and never without a date in college. They end up being trophy wives (well, or they land the guy who makes a decent amount of money but not quite enough to get someone younger and hotter, so the wives just let themselves get fat and eat Cheetos all day once they have kids), and when they're in their twenties they always have a buff boyfriend in a tight shirt who has bravado oozing out his belted designer jeans. I have more I want to say about this, but this post is pretty long as it is, and you all are so patient with reading my novels (not novellas, actual novels) so I'll let you chew on just what's already here.

I hope you all had great weekends, and I am so grateful for the comments- I'm trying to do a better job of responding to them when relevant, but I'm batting about .198 on that, so I apologize!

PS We have tickets to both a Red Sox (my second fave team... I just love Boston!) and a Yankees game (I really CANNOT wait to boo ARod... I am not normally a boo-er, but come on- I am a Seattle fan and it's freaking A-Rod. If you have no idea what I am talking about, ask, because I'll gladly tell you!). The Yankees game is in August and I am fully confident that I will be down 30 or so more pounds by then, at least. The Sox game is in about 6 weeks, so we'll see. Fitting may be an issue, but it's the Sox and J got us really great seats! So... I'll of course let you know how things go with those games :)

This entry was posted on Monday at Monday, April 14, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 battle cries

hola chica! I'm glad the game was so much fun. Question: What's wrong with getting a little attention from the man in front of you? Your husband was right there so it was probably intended as friendly. He didn't go any further, verbally or physically. You didn't initiate it. You can't stop people (men and women) from noticing you whether you're 346 pounds or 106 pounds. Pretty is pretty. Getting noticed is not a sin nor a threat to your marriage.

As you continue to drop weight I think you'll find more and more men making comments here and there. Sometimes the comments are lewd and you just ignore them and secretly want to punch them in the throat. Sometimes the comments are sweet and sincere and you just smile and say thank you. There's nothing wrong with these comments,they can actually be quite uplifting and encouraging and I hope you don't let them impede your weight loss. :) I don't want to sound vain, but if my marriage or my soul was threatened every time Daryn or I got noticed, we'd be thrice divorced and in a hand basket.

April 14, 2008 at 5:02 PM

Hi! And welcome to HYC! Yep, I've had similar experiences of checking out a new blog or two and finding the last post way outdated. In some instances, I've later learned the blogger is battling cancer or has suffered the loss of a loved one - so I've learned to be a little less judgmental.

On a lighter note, you've got a great "voice" to your writing. I actually had to laugh at the part about the "hot chicks," mostly because all the other women (blood kin as well as in-laws) are ALL thin-to-win types. And my son is one of those guys in the tight shirt and designer jeans! HA!

We'll have fun as we go. I can see from the profile in your sidebar that you've done some serious thinking about where you are and where you want to go. This HYC bunch of bloggers has been a GREAT source of support for me. I'm sure you'll find the same.

"Onward and downward!"

April 15, 2008 at 8:03 AM

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