So I know many of you are just sitting on pins and needles (cliche) to find out, but I am here to report on my first personal training session from last night.
It was pretty awesome- now, the down side is that we spent so much time getting into the program (there's this awesome tracking tool on the web that far kicks the tush of the free sites online), taking measurements, assessing my fitness level and how my body is over/under-compensating with various muscles.
Here's the great news- I am going to learn so much from my trainer! He helped me see why my calve muscles are so incredibly big and tight and hard, yet my core is so ridiculously weak. Next week we'll actually start learning the stretches to start relaxing my muscles that are overworked and then to start working my muscles that aren't getting any work.
The other cool thing is that I found out that I am 39% body fat (yes, that's high, but I thought I was like 60%!) and that I have basically 139 pounds of fat and 217 pounds of, well, other stuff. Muscles, bones, organs, etc. I'm sure that's not a perfect number, but that is pretty stinking cool just in general.
What I love is that we're setting goals and then pursuing those goals. I also love that I am logging everything I eat and that my trainer will see it. I'm considering getting a BodyBugg (they are awesome!) because I think that would be a really great tool to help encourage me to stay on track. My online tracking is actually set up to work with the Bugg, so that's cool.
Finally, a huge praise- when I requested a trainer, I asked for either someone more experienced with extremely obese people, or for a guy I'll call Kei. I asked for him because he pointed out to me once how to properly use a machine when he was training someone else and I just felt a connection to him. My husband thinks I am the most incredibly beautiful woman in the entire world and he was nervous about me ever having a male trainer. But I just felt drawn to him, so when he was the person assigned to me I figured it was cool. I mentioned to him that the reason Tuesday isn't an option is because I have Community Group because I go to Mars Hill, and he told me he goes to the Shoreline campus- how cool is that? Seriously, in this area people who love Jesus are scarce, yet it just so happened that I ended up with Kei.
Simply awesome.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday
at Tuesday, March 11, 2008
and is filed under
personal training,
work outs
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Progress Tracker
Start Weight (lbs):
Jan. 2008-- 367
Current Weight:
Feb. 2009-- 360.2
Total Lost: -6.8
** See label "it's the first of the month" for more details, such as monthly weigh-ins and measurements; also see "Weigh-In Wednesay" label for archived data.
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